Digital marketing Agency London - Get customers to your site, and keep them there

Bespoke web design, search engine optimisation, and pay per click advertising, tailored to your business’ needs by a leading digital marketing agency in London.

Top digital marketing company in London

Welcome to Focus on Digital. We’re proud to be a leading digital marketing company in the UK. Our talented team works closely with clients across the country to help them maximise their online visibility and deliver truly exceptional and utterly seamless customer experiences. From our base in London, we’re committed to supporting our clients as they build strong, engaging digital experiences to attract new customers while delighting existing ones.

Digital marketing services London

At Focus on Digital, we believe that creating a robust online presence means focusing not only on off-site marketing but on on-site experiences, too. That's why we’re a fully comprehensive agency, offering a wide range of services spanning the digital marketing trifecta: web design, search engine optimisation and PPC advertising.

Bespoke web design

Our website design services ensure that every lead that visits your website has the best possible experience, right through from arriving on a landing page to considering options and making a decision. Whether it’s creating intuitive navigation menus or building a buyer journey that’s as natural and familiar as possible, we design sites that send the right message at the right time, and have the right impact, every time. Our web design service is 100% bespoke, built with the needs of each client in mind.

Search engine optimisation

Our SEO services in London utilise the latest search data and algorithmic methodologies to ensure Google is connecting high intent user searchers with the most relevant page on your website. Our approach to organic SEO considers all 200+ Google ranking factors - from URL length and keyword density to backlink profile and content recency - to boost a page’s position in the search engine results pages (SERPs) and help connect the right people with the right businesses who can provide solutions to their problems.

Pay per click advertising

We specialise in building quick win pay per click campaigns that drive traffic to your target landing pages, right when you need them. We build pay per click ads built around your most critical keywords that maximise the visibility of your new sites, helping to raise brand awareness across a variety of demographics. PPC ads ensure your webpages are featured in the most prominent position in the SERPs, positioning your business as a reliable and accessible solution to the most frustrating customer problems.

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